Volume: 19 Issue-01 (January-June) 2024


Sachin Kumar, Parveen Kumar
Page No. : 506-540


The key findings of thesis paper of the analysis of a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model conducted on response collected, focusing on customer satisfaction within the electricity sector. The study aims to uncover the factors influencing customer satisfaction and provide insights for enhancing service quality. The analysis reveals crucial factors that impact customer satisfaction. Reliability of the power supply emerges as a vital factor positively affecting various aspects of electricity service, from billing accuracy and transparency to customer service and power quality. Accurate billing and transparency build trust, while customer service and responsiveness play a direct role in influencing satisfaction. Affordability and fair pricing also contribute to overall satisfaction by ensuring accessibility and value for customers. Effective communication and information accessibility are found to enhance customer satisfaction by keeping customers informed and engaged. Although power quality and voltage stability did not directly affect customer satisfaction in this analysis, their maintenance remains important for indirect satisfaction. The results highlight the significance of a balanced approach to customer service, as an excessive focus on it could potentially lead to lower satisfaction. Overall, the analysis underscores the importance of a holistic strategy that prioritizes reliability, accurate billing, affordability, communication, and responsive customer service in order to elevate customer satisfaction in the electricity sector. The model demonstrates good fit to the data, and the identified factors provide crucial insights for electricity providers aiming to create positive customer experiences and foster higher levels of satisfaction.