Volume: 19 Issue-01 (January-June) 2024


Jayanti Shinge, Vishakha Mandrawadkar, Naveenkumar Aigol, Christina Rebello, Geeta Maralappanavar, Khezia Olagundi
Page No. : 1047-1051


Efforts to promote language proficiency across the engineering curriculum have inadvertently given rise to feelings of nervousness among Gen Z engineering students while learning English. To meet the learning styles of this generation, innovative and engaging pedagogical practices are required. This study thus examines the effectiveness of a Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) approach in teaching English. The experiment was done on 30 student experimental group (EG) and compared with the control group (CG) of 30 students. The CEFR scale of Self-Assessment on Speaking skills was administered. The CG showed 44% students in A1 category while the EG showed 23%. The CG showed 20% students in A2 category while the EG showed 13%. The CG showed 23% students in B1 category while the EG showed 30%. The CG showed 13% students in B2 category while the EG showed 23%. And the CG showed none in C1 category while the EG showed 10% students. The results of the intervention thus show remarkable improvement in the students’ speaking skills. The findings of this study contribute to the existing literature on language learning strategies and provide insights into the preferences and needs of Gen Z engineering students.